Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Loss of Innocence

I've lost my innocence, and I mean that in the most innocent of ways. It feels like everything that has to do with my life is so completely complex and confusing, when just a few short years ago everything was simple. As a little kid, I was worried about who I was going to play with at recess and what I wanted for lunch. Now I'm worried about my finances, my health, my family dynamic, you name it and it probably worries me. I guess I'm making carefree synonymous with innocence, but I think they go hand in hand. My innocence didn't get ripped out of my grasp really quick, it slipped so slowly through my fingers that I didn't even realize what was happening. Then it hit me all at once that it was gone. The ridiculous things about my life are just standard now. I've had family go to jail. I've had friends that have spent time in jail. I have friends with drug problems. Good friends have died. Things I never thought would ever happen to me are just part of my daily life now, and it bothers me how I've come to so easily accept them. Now I'm left asking myself: is this just part of growing up, or is the world going to hell and we're along for the ride?

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