Saturday, June 2, 2012


Life has been a whirlwind to say the least. In the last month I graduated from college with a BA in Theatre, moved back in with my parents, got a job that starts in August, celebrated my one year anniversary with Tye Dye, moved to Colorado for my summer job, and lived with Tye Dye for a few days somewhere in there. No wonder I haven't had much time to blog. It's weird picking up and moving to a town you've never been to for a job where you've never met anyone there, but I absolutely love it. Work has been rough the last two days, but even that makes me thankful for the opportunity I have here. I am doing exactly what I love and I'm getting paid for it. It's lovely. And even though I miss Tye Dye terribly, I think it was really important for my growth as a human being to take the chance to come out here and try to make my life work out. I'm not much of a big risk taker, but this is one risk I wouldn't take back for the world.