Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I tried

I tried to move on. I went on a date. My first date since Tye Dye ad I split up. Nothing about it was right. He was nice, I enjoyed his company, but it wasn't right. I didn't feel right being there. I didn't feel like our personalities fit together. I had a conversation with my boss who is going through a break up herself. She flat out said, 'the more that I date the more that I realize they aren't (my other)'. It is nothing against these other people, but they just aren't the ones that still have our hearts. Now I'm conflicted whether or not to tell him about my ex. If I let the subject lie I feel like I'd be leading him on. I'm more damaged than he might want to deal with ad it's not fair. But maybe he wants nothing serious at all and I'm thinking more highly of myself than he does. I'm just not sure.

And on another different note. I've decided that I'm taking control over my healthcare. Well, kinda. I've decided that I'm not doing anymore tests that I don't feel like doing. If my skin disease has gone internal there is nothing that can be done for it that they aren't already doing to me/for me. So what's the point in worrying myself or in spending money I really don't have? So I'm supposed to get a ct scan and a pulmonary function test, but I say nay. I won't do it. Will my doctor be mad? Probably. Will other people be upset and not understand me? Absolutely. But this is my way of regaining my control over life. Is this in response to my uncontrollable love life? Perhaps. But whatever the reasons, I feel really good about my decision. I feel like I don't need to make myself or let myself worry about things I have no control over, and that's a really nice change from the way things have been.

So I'm reasserting my control over my life, and if I can't control my life, at least I can control how I feel about my life.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The continuing adventures of hurry up and wait

I'm in a constant space of waiting. And I've willingly put myself here. I saw Tye Dye last week in order to pick up some things that I had left at his apartment. Seeing him was really good at the same time that it was awful to heart wrenching proportions. We were nice, we asked how we were doing and we were more than civil to each other. But then he told me he was doing his best to get better, and I told him I missed him and he told me he missed me and loved me too. It isn't fair, to either of us. He wants to love me. He still cares about me, but there is something inside of his brain that won't allow him to. This depression monster has taken him away from me. I think it's almost worse without the finality of this break up. I'm waiting for him to get better because he still has my heart. I want nothing more than to be there for him, but that doesn't seem possible. I even want to say that in my heart of hearts I know he will get better, and that he'll come running back to me with arms wide open. But what if that's months from now? What if it's years? What if it never happens? My faith tells me that if I pray hard enough I'll find answers and that he can find healing, but what if it's not enough? When we were done talking I left and tried my damnedest not to cry on the walk to the car. I didn't quite make it and when I got in and closed the door I sobbed. I cried harder than I have in a long time. I cried for me, I cried for him, I cried for the 'us' that was lost. I cried because life is unfair, and I cried for the emptiness I feel without him. Later I sent him a text because I knew I had to ask but hadn't had the courage to do it in person. I asked him if he ever saw us getting back together he was completely honest. "Depends of if I can get better." A completely honest and real answer. It's what I asked for, and what I wanted. But it makes me wonder if I have given myself too much hope for our eventual future. At this point there are too many unknowns. I cannot reach a verdict. There are only so many options. Wait. Move forward. Run away. Leave. Stay. Wish. Hope. Yearn. Hurt. Never have I ever wished my life were a novel or a movie more than right now. I could skip ahead a half hour or a hundred pages and know how it ends up and then I could be content here, or at least know which way to turn. But I think I'll handle this the way that I handled getting lost in Walmart when I was six: run around for twenty minutes screaming for my mom, and then sit down and cry until someone who can help me comes along, and tells me where I can find her.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My indecisive heart

I've been told, as many of you probably have, since I was a little girl to follow my heart because then I will always end up happy. But what are we to do when our heart can't decide? My heart is being quiet with it's desires and I can't quite tell what it wants. Some of the time it reminds me that Tye Dye is gone and that it wants him back because it's still madly in love with him. Other times it tells me that it would be nice to find someone to casually flirt with because it would make me feel wanted again. And sometimes it even tells me that this is what getting over a break up feels like and that I won't ever get back with the man I still love. I don't know where to turn, and I can't get a hold on my feelings. So why did no one ever tell us that sometimes our heart can't decide and so we need to give it time? I wish it would hurry up and decide because I hate to hurry up and wait.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I really don't know

I can't do this. Not too long ago I thought I didn't need Tye Dye.  I thought I'd be better off without him, and I just don't think that can be true. I don't think I'll ever love anyone else as much as I love him. I'm still so madly in love with him. I can't not talk to his mom. I can't not think about him all the time. I miss him snuggling me. I miss playing with his hair. I feel like I look like I have my life together, and in a way I do. I'm making good money. I have a job I absolutely love. I'm living out my dreams, but I feel empty inside. There is a giant space in my heart that nothing will fill. Not my friends, not my family, not my job. I can't handle feeling so empty without having any idea of how to fix it or how to even begin closing it up. I just want him back.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Too much to think about

I've had too much to think about lately. I can't stop thinking about Tye Dye and all I want to tell him. I miss him. I miss talking to him. I miss texting him when I see an actor he would know in something else. I miss him being in my life. I miss being able to tell him about all the things that scare me. This point was really driven home today when my cousin reminded my that my great uncle has been dead for a whole year. I'm still afraid of him. I still hate him. It makes no sense, but even seeing someone who looks like him makes my skin crawl. No one really understood this until I met Tye Dye. And now I feel like I'm fighting this demon alone again. It seems so strange. I keep myself together at work, and I laugh and have a good time there. But as soon as I'm alone in my car I cry and can't keep myself together. I miss him so much my heart is still breaking. I just can't believe that he thought this would be better for me in the long run.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I am lost

I feel completely and utterly lost. I lost my best friend. I lost my nerdy partner in crime. I lost my support system. I lost Tye Dye. I can't even believe it. We were together for almost a year and a half. He told me to start planning the wedding, and we even had the name of our first daughter picked out. So what went so wrong. It's weird, I go to work and I feel like I have it together, but then I go anywhere alone and I fall apart. I cry, I talk to myself, I'm so out of sorts. It doesn't seem fair that with all that disease has taken away from me, that it should take him too. He wasn't at all the man I fell in love with anymore, but I understood that it wasn't really him. And now he won't let me be there for him anymore. And according to a chest x-ray I had this summer, my skin disease might have become systemic. It's a double blow really. He was always behind me and helped me not to worry about my disease, and now I don't know how to feel. I don't know if he'll want to know how things continue to work out with my health. I don't know if he'll go back to self destructive tendencies to help cope with his depression. I don't know if he'll want me back if and when he gets help and gets himself back to normal. So many things left unsaid. So many things that shouldn't have been said. So many things left undone. So many painful, heart wrenching memories. I just don't know how long I can keep this all together.

At Bible study this week we talked about the worst times in our lives, and how God saw them as great moments in out relationship because he got to hold us so tightly and remind us that he is here for us. If that is truly the case, God clearly can not get enough of holding me tight, because I've had some really rough times in the last few years. It doesn't seem fair that I've had so many things go wrong in my very young life.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The way things have been

I hate feeling like this. I hate being some place that I should be excited to be and hating it. I hate feeling like I'm alone. I hate feeling like my boyfriend doesn't give two shits about the fact that I'm no longer happy here, the fact that we haven't seen each other in almost three months, or about me. I want to go home, but I don't think I'll be any happier there than I am here. Worst of all, I hate feeling like my contract in Arizona is keeping me from doing more important things for my best friend. This is too confining. I have to get out!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Life has been a whirlwind to say the least. In the last month I graduated from college with a BA in Theatre, moved back in with my parents, got a job that starts in August, celebrated my one year anniversary with Tye Dye, moved to Colorado for my summer job, and lived with Tye Dye for a few days somewhere in there. No wonder I haven't had much time to blog. It's weird picking up and moving to a town you've never been to for a job where you've never met anyone there, but I absolutely love it. Work has been rough the last two days, but even that makes me thankful for the opportunity I have here. I am doing exactly what I love and I'm getting paid for it. It's lovely. And even though I miss Tye Dye terribly, I think it was really important for my growth as a human being to take the chance to come out here and try to make my life work out. I'm not much of a big risk taker, but this is one risk I wouldn't take back for the world.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

And plans change

It's kind of amazing how one single day can totally change your plans for the future. Tye Dye and I had talked about it and we decided that we wanted to move in together after I graduate college and get back hopefully from a summer theatre job. However, I found out last Saturday that our plans have been completely thwarted. His parents, who are very conservative religiously, do not want us to live together until we are married. Part of the plan was I was also going to help him pay for school so he wouldn't have to worry so much about finances. But since we won't be living together, I can't afford to help him, or to stay in Flagstaff. It appears that I will either be getting a summer job in another state or moving back in with my parents. Either one puts me far away from him. I'm way not ready to get married right now, but I did want to live with him and be a couple. And no matter where I end up I'm going to miss him. I wanted to stay for love, but now I am forced to leave for money. And to top it all off, I've already gotten two rejections. So I can't stay for love, and no one will take me so I can go for money. I guess I'm literally stuck.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Something I haven't even told anyone in my real life

When I got the excellent news that I'm epilepsy free, I also got very scary news: I could have a small brain tumor. My doctor said not to worry about it, and I was doing pretty good about it until I figured out that my health insurance wouldn't cover the higher resolution mri so we could make sure. Now I'm terrified. I've always believed in a kind of poetic justice, but there's nothing poetic about losing an aunt to brain cancer and finding out you might have a brain tumor within the same year. I'm readily finding out that life isn't fair. Not in the 'everybody should have everything anyone else has' kind of way, but in the 'the same people get constantly shit on kind of way'. I can't remember the last time I felt like I had a good future ahead of me, and this certainly isn't helping. But what I really realized last night is that it's not the possibility of a brain tumor that bothers me, it's what that could mean for my relationship. I love my boyfriend more than anything, we've talked about getting married and having kids and I can't wait to do all those things with him. But I watched my aunt's brain cancer not only take away her body from her, but also her husband. They grew so far apart that he even rented a house for the last few years of her life. He did not want to be married to her anymore. I'm not scared so much of what this could do to my body, I'm afraid of what this could do to my love. I never want to lose him, but I'm not sure what will happen in the long run if this ends up being as bad as it could be.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

So rare is great news

I received fantastic news this week: I am epilepsy free. Obviously this news is wonderful, but it's hard for me to simply allow myself to be happy about it. There is always something that is threatening my way of life, I feel like I can't even just sit for a minute without something else needing my attention or drawing my worry. Have I simply become unable to appreciate good news when it is given to me? I am concerned for my future happiness if I cannot remember how to appreciate the good things in my life and just let the bad things happen because they can't be stopped.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Whole New Year

It's interesting how different I feel because it's the start of a new year. I am only seven days in and everything feels fresh. The same apartment I was living in feels new. The class I started before the year started feels new. Everything has this hue to it like it's a brand new baby that I just want to hold and wonder how it will grow up. It makes me wonder: What changes so dramatically between December 31st and January 1st? I think it has a lot to do with second chances. It is my opinion that we do not give ourselves enough chances in this life. But a new year means new challenges and new opportunities to show ourselves that we can do it. Most people make a New Year's resolution or two, but I don't think that's enough. Every year since I started college I have made a list. A list of 100 things I hope to do with my year, and this year is no exception. I have things that are easy to do like go bowling and make a snowman and then stuff that I probably won't get to do such as see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. My list reminds me that there is always more adventures to be had and more fun things to experience. It also helps me see what I want to do with my life. I probably will not make it to the Eiffel Tower this year, but I will eventually see it with my own two eyes. And best of all, my list reminds me that even small events, like bowling, can be an adventure and can be exciting. I guess the new year is so exciting because it has so much untapped potential. It gives us all a zest for life and excitement, and a hope for what this year will have in store. It's a great shame that we can't feel like this everyday, not just in the first few days or weeks of each new year.