Thursday, November 26, 2009

Oh Mylanta

So there's this boy... we've referred to him as Banana Boy before, so let's go with that. Today was Thanksgiving with my family. I absolutely love how crazy we all are and how much we all just mesh together. But, back to the boy. The entire day I was just wishing that he was here to meet my family and enjoy the craziness that I come from. Then it hit me, BOOM! I love this kid. Oh boy. This just made things complicated. Now I don't mean that I'm in love with him, but that I do love him. We're so close and that's what's awesomely terrifying about our friendship. I feel like I need him. Like, I want him to always be there for me, because I need that kind of stability in my life. However, at the same time, I have a great infatuation with the boy. I think about him all the time, and more than anything else, I just want to hold his hand. (As completely corny as that saounds.) I think I might be in a mess of trouble with this one, and I'm pretty excited about that. :)

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