Monday, January 31, 2011

This is... life?

I've learned something about myself today (won't it ever end!?). It seems that I keep my problems to myself. This seems counter-intuitive seeing as I'm a young lady with a blog. However, I must be the oddest type of bird because I won't share the information I do with all of cyberspace with some of my best friends. Today however, I broke down. In the middle of class. I started crying and had to leave the room and go outside (it was snowing, mind you). I hadn't realized how messed up my life had gotten until I was telling my friends while crying in the girl's bathroom. My aunt is dying and I just can't handle it. My mom had to have major surgery and I was all alone to deal with the whole situation. I'm feeling so overwhelmed with school, and work, and my finances. And on top of all of that, I've had to deal with my ex and all this piddly-din-kin drama here, and I just can't do it anymore. And even though me and my ex had a good talk today about why things have been strange between us and why I'm mad at him, I feel no better about my situation. True, things should be less strained between us which will make our other friendships easier, but that doesn't just make everything better. I just can't handle my life. Can it be over now?

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