Saturday, August 27, 2011

I can't believe I completely forgot

So I recently realized that I forgot to blog about my diagnosis anniversary. It was on the 19th but somehow it must have slipped my mind. It's funny, the first year I was diagnosed was one of the scariest times of my life, and the last year has been one of the happiest of my life. I'm meeting people who are incredibly comfortable making little hand jokes, and laughing at the ones I make. The people in my life are more comfortable than ever with my morphea, but I think that's partially because I'm more comfortable than ever with it. I don't see my hand the first thing when I look into a mirror or at a picture. I see my face. I see my smile. I see me just being happy with the way things are, no compromises. I'm living an amazing life, and I've come to really take each day as a blessing and make it a day that was worth living. And a joke here and there never hurt anyone. :)

"That's another bright side to having a baby hand. Soon they'll be in vogue, and everyone's gonna want one."

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