Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I've been finding myself with lots of quiet time to be alone with my thoughts. More appropriately I'd say I was forced into being with my thoughts. Unfortunately my thoughts have been so all over the place that I can't even settle with a single topic for my blog. It just feels like everything is so up-in-the-air that I'm left without anything to stand on. I don't feel like I'm falling, it's more like being stuck. At the heart of it, I think I'm in a rut. Which, if I am in a rut, is the lamest thing I can think of. I mean, I've only been back up at school for two weeks and I already feel the need to bust out of this b*tch? Grr! But the only reason that I can come up with for being so restless these past few days is because I need a change. So I guess the best question is what do I need to change? Do I just need less quiet in my life so I don't think about bizarre things like this, or do I need to get out of the proverbial 'house' more? All I know is I'm tired of all this quiet. At first, it was nice to just sit back and relax, but now that I just had a full month of that in Phoenix, I'm ready to spend more time with my friends and do some crazy stuff. No matter what it is, I need to get it figured out quick and get it done, before all this quiet drives me absolutely crazy!

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