Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A weight has been lifted...

So completely unlike myself, I told Cutie Face how I feel about him. The funny thing is, he said he knew, but I guess you could've seen that one coming. He doesn't return my feelings, but, everything is good, we're going to stay friends, and since he already knew nothing is going to be awkward. This is a giant weight off my shoulders since I was really worried that our friendship was going to be wierd from this point on. And it's amusing, I knew that he didn't have feelings for me, but I still needed to tell him for me. I need to work on being open about my inner most feelings. Obviously this blog is a way that I'm opening up to people who I might never even meet, so that's a step in the right direction. I even told Cutie Face that it was more for my benefit than his, and he told me that I had balls for telling him at all. Leaving this encounter, I had a smile on my face. I was able to tell him exactly what I needed to, and in his true fashion he was totally cool about it. He didn't make me feel awkward, and he just told me exactly how he felt, and now we're both getting over the encounter. Cutie Face gave me confidence even in shooting me down. It's this ability to find the light in the proverbial darkness that makes each day a learning experience. And I can't wait to see what tomorrow has to teach me.

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